Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Please Help

Mike Ross of Arkansas has re-introduced the new-and-improved version of the Reconstructive Surgery Act. HR4022 will force group and individual insurance plans, managed care plans (HMOs), and self-insured plans, to cover reconstructive surgery for kids, teens and adults without age limitations.

For those of you living in a state where there is already a mandate, you
should be aware that many plans are exempt from state law as states only
regulate insurance companies; employer (self-insured) plans are not covered. HR4022 will close that loophole and amends ERISA to prevent companies from denying or delaying medically-necessary care and payment for same.

Complete details on HR4022, including a press release and media contact
details, and a sample letter you can use to urge your elected officials to
co-sponsor and support the bill are available at the Association of
Independent Craniofacial Advocates (AICA) website
. Information on the Treatment of Children's Deformities Act is also available at the AICA

Birth anomalies aren't the only reason patients require reconstructive accidents, cancer,
burns, disease...this legislation affects us all!

Please write to your senators and representatives, urging them to support this legislation. You can find out who your reps are at You can email them directly through that website.

A sample letter you can send follows:

Dear (rep's name),

As your constituent, I am writing to urge you to cosponsor The
Reconstructive Surgery Act (HR4022), introduced by Rep. Mike Ross of
Arkansas. Under this legislation, health insurance and managed care
companies will be forced to recognize that ongoing medical procedures
needed by cleft/craniofacial patients like my son are not cosmetic, but
are reconstructive in nature.

There has been much documentation of families and individuals having to
fight to receive the medically-necessary treatment and reconstructive
surgery needed to live a normal life.

I encourage you to research and cosponsor HR4022. This legislation is
designed to protect citizens from discrimination in health care. The
need for this initiative is far greater than you may think.

I look forward to hearing from you or your health care legislative
aide, and to seeing your name on the list of co-sponsors of HR4022.


(Your Name)

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