Wednesday, September 12, 2007


This Year Will Be Better

This has been a rough year. You've all read my trials and tribulations with Miles' surgery, my thyroid issues, body image issues, family health issues, and work related stresses.

Well, unfortunately, the latter two are not resolved, but I feel like I have come to the end of the road (or close at least) for the first two and am working hard on the third.

Here are things that are good right now:

1) Miles' surgeries are DONE. Can't wait to see what the final product looks like. I felt such joy the night after the surgery...the hugest weight in the world was lifted from my shoulders.

2) My thyroid levels were normal at my last appointment. I have an appointment later this week and am expecting to find the trend to continue. It's so nice to be healthy!

3) My accutane is working and my skin along the jawline is finally starting to clear up. My BE make up makes it look pretty too. :-)

4) I'm exercising at least 6 days a week and slowly losing weight. If nothing else, the exercise makes me feel good (despite being sore) and I know it's good for my heart, etc.

I'm not much of a quote person, but I saw this one the other day and it struck home: "What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realized it sooner," by Colette. Well, my goal is to make sure the latter part of this quote is not true, because dammit, I have a pretty darn good life.


Recent Reads:

"Twins" by Marcy Dermansky: It was really disturbing but so good! It's been a long time since I stayed up late to read a book and then woke up extra early to finish it.

"Swapping Lives" by Jane Green: Comfort food for the brain. Typical, but thoroughly enjoyable chick lit by one of my favorite authors of that genre.

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